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CKD ( Chronic Kidney disease)

Hello friends !

Today I would be narrating my experience on the above disease.

This all started in the year 2013 when my dad was admitted in a leading hospital in Mumbai, India for the same disease. I am sure you would have understood that CKD runs in our family and genetically I happen to get the same.

Post my yearly regular health check up, I was deducted that my kidney aint the same and I have to consult a nephrologist immediately. It was confirmed, I have some issues with my Kidneys. After knowing this lifestyle disease, my family was very disturbed. My husband just could not accept that I was having an issue with my kidneys.

So here goes the rounds and rounds of various hospitals, doctors, recommendations of good doctors etc. After meeting all the ace nephrologists in Mumbai, I finally zeroed down to Bombay Hospital- Nephrologist

Many years passed by, 2017, my condition was not the same. My nightmare begins. I was dying, losing weight tremendously, I became anemic etc. That resulted in lot of pains, depressions, cries, sadness and what not. I generally don’t get upset, but seeing my young daughter, husband crying in and out, day and night, that’s when you feel very helpless. I crossed my limits of thinking, to end my life, as the suffering was unbearable to all of us. Me not only physically, but also mentally it took a toll on me. My daughter, husband could not see me suffering. That made things worst day by day, my house atmosphere turned ugly. The endless road we were walking never ended, or never showed us the right path.

Your regular OPDs with doctors would not give any satisfaction. My ears wanted to hear some good news from the doctors. But they would in return tell my hubby that I should be on dialysis & that was the only way I could survive or else? Helplessness kills you, when you have your doctor so learned, highly educated, knowing their subjects so well but just dont help you the right way. Everything is so commercialized, that its all bout money

I was put on dialysis, thrice a week. A gal who led a very disciplined life, worked for 20+ years, happily carrying a good position in a corporate company, high salary etc. then, what went wrong all of a sudden !! I saw myself in a hospital bed thrice a week getting my dialysis done. By now C-19 had already spread across the globe.

This disease completely took charge of me- as they say mind and body. I just could not see that happening. I guess when you are unwell, nothing seems good around you, trust me you are so freaking irritated, frustrated, you tend to lose your mind, terrific mental health issues, sobbing and many more.

As they say you are already having too many things on your platter, one more added. Me and my family had C-19. Fortunately we came out of it after all the struggles, admitting ourselves etc. Another level of different ball game. But by the grace of lord, we were fine.

Story doesn’t end here, I decided to fight my disease and not cry over this. Yes ! friends if you really have the positive attitude in you, the fighting ability, you can even bring back death. I changed my doctor, I was recommended a good hospital & good doctor by my elder bro. Things changed when I was taken under control by the team, by then my blood had infection due to the catheter ( a tube used for dialysis) I was treated well, but went through a lot during this treatment.

This year beginning, I had my transplant, am fine and successfully leading a normal life

My only concern with you all is, after narrating my experience I would say dont get afraid, dont panic, stay cool, there is a problem, dont rush, breath in. We need to get the solution for the issue. Your support system is always your family, they stand by us. Biggest belief is God than trust your own instincts, your family, good doctors. Wait! things happen at the right time.

Lead a discipline life, limit your self to things which are addictive. Spend time with children, family, respect elders etc. Your hardened money should not go to private hospitals. They are your money, for your family and kids to enjoy. So take care, stay safe, eat healthy and exercise. Always keep smiling.

Keep spreading positivity, many need them 🙂

Do daily 3 good things, the blue planet has many surprises, your good deeds to others would be your blessing to you & your family. As we say Karma- good deeds, good karma, bad deeds, bad karma

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